Transforming the site of a derelict dairy into new units to house local branches of Travis Perkins, Benchmarx and City Plumbing Supplies.

Our works on this £2.6 million project in Worthing commenced with the demolition of the derelict Dairy Crest Supply Depot. New commercial units were then constructed to house the local branches of Travis Perkins, Benchmarx and City Plumbing Supplies, including car park areas and hard standing storage areas.
The commercial units are of steel frame construction, built on in situ concrete pads and deep strip foundations.

The site was completely enclosed on three sides with residential properties and retirement apartments, so we held weekly coffee mornings with residents to keep them informed of our activities.
The main access route to the site was shared with neighbouring Funeral Directors, who held services twice daily. We liaised closely with them to ensure that any potentially disruptive works or plant movements were avoided during these times.